Wait, did he say, “how to save money”? Yep, and I’ll tell you how. Listen to and use the advice your acupuncturist gives you. Acupuncture itself is a powerful treatment method for everything from pain and digestive issues to infertility and emotional issues. Acupuncture is also a processed based medicine. Like physical therapy, one or two treatments is not likely to give you the relief that you are looking for. So how can you get the effects from your treatment to last longer? How can you go from seeing your acupuncturist once or twice a week to every other week or once a month, more quickly? Like I said, listen to and use the advice your acupuncturist gives you. And this is how you can save money (and time) by the way, by moving more quickly to a maintenance schedule with fewer visits.
Did you know that your acupuncturist has been trained in Oriental dietary therapy? Did you know that your acupuncturist has been trained to provide guidance in exercise and lifestyle modifications that can aid in your healing process? I’ll bet you didn’t! It’s true, an acupuncturists training is not just in where to put needles to make you feel better. If things like diet, exercise (lack thereof or improper exercise for your unique needs) and lifestyle choices are contributing to your issue, how long do you think the relief from you acupuncture treatment is going to last. Additionally, how will the problem ever get resolved if you are continually doing things to “sabotage” the good work your acupuncturist is doing!
This is like taking your car in for service because it is stalling and smoking and just not running well. Your trusty mechanic fixes everything and it is running great now. You take the car out proceed to drive like a nut case, beating it in to the ground. It is stalling and smoking and just not running well again. Should you get mad at your trusty mechanic or should you be blaming someone else for the time and money you have to spend getting it running well again. This is just like if you have back pain, go to your acupuncturist and get relief and then proceed to do all the same things that caused the back pain in the first place! You don’t change your posture, you continue to get too little sleep, you don’t have time to exercise, and you do nothing to change the level of stress that you are under and/or deal with that stress. All things, by the way, your acupuncturist may give you suggestion with to help aid in your healing process. Are you going to get mad at your trusty acupuncturist when you must sign up again for continued treatments or are you going to stop beating yourself in to the ground?
The choice is yours. You can continue to pay for frequent treatments just to keep you going or you can listen to your acupuncturist and make some changes. They say change is hard, I don’t think so. It happens every day, every hour, every minute. We are constantly changing, for better or worse, so why not make a change for the better and maybe save yourself a little money along the way!
Steven Hoffman is a Licensed Acupuncturist and holds a Diplomate in Oriental Medicine with the NCCAOM. He has been practicing in the Princeton area for the last six years and is passionate about helping people live life to its fullest and thrive in mind, body and spirit. Steven is also the father of six year old twins and enjoys all of the adventures that come along with two lively, curious and endlessly energetic young girls.
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