The letters PMS carry a lot of weight. They are enough to elicit a groan from almost every woman. We all experience hormone-related symptoms to a degree; some of us to the point where our work and relationships suffer. Many women assume extreme discomfort is normal and must be endured or masked with pharmaceutical anti-depressants and anti-inflammatory drugs. Many women, however, are discovering that acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine offer safer alternatives that do more than merely mask symptoms. Acupuncture and herbs can help balance hormones and remedy the source of monthly emotional and physical discomfort associated with PMS.
Know Your Hormonal Flow
When women experience PMS symptoms, they usually occur in the 7 to 10 days leading up to menstruation. On the physical side, there are abdominal cramps, headaches, skin problems and intense food cravings. Tenderness of the breasts may also occur, along with bloating, and fatigue. Emotional symptoms include poor concentration, anxiety, irritability, depression, and even panic attacks. You might think that is just the way it is—the joys of womanhood, so to speak. It doesn’t have to be like this. Sure, women’s moods and energy levels fluctuate throughout their monthly cycle, but the changes should not be debilitating. Extreme symptoms that disrupt your daily life signal hormonal imbalance.
Let’s look at what can be expected with healthy hormonal balance.
Your cycle begins on the first day of menstrual bleeding. During this time, progesterone levels plummet allowing the uterus to shed its lining. It is normal to experience lower energy and to want to rest more than usual. It’s not an appropriate time to schedule after-work activities that drain your energy even more. It is a great time to practice restorative self-care.
After the first week, the follicular phase begins. Ovaries start to produce follicle stimulating hormone in preparation for ovulation. Estrogen and testosterone levels also begin to rise resulting in increased energy (finally!). You may feel mentally sharp and on top of your game. You often make your greatest strides at work during this time. It’s also a good time for socializing and vigorous workout sessions.
During the third week estrogen and testosterone peak and ovulation takes place. Your energy levels are at their highest during this phase. You are irresistible and ready to conquer the world!
The fourth week marks the luteal phase. Estrogen and testosterone levels decline and your body starts producing progesterone. Progesterone is an anti-depressant hormone. It helps you feel more calm and quiet as you come off your estrogen and testosterone high. This is the time for quieter social activities. Exercise is especially helpful during this phase as it releases endorphins to combat the blues.
Very few women experience truly balanced hormonal flow. More often, women in their reproductive years may have too much estrogen, not enough progesterone, or the other way around. Low estrogen levels may result in depression, irritability, and lack of concentration, but too much can also cause problems such as agitation and anxiety. When your body doesn’t produce enough progesterone during the luteal phase, PMS symptoms such as heavy depression, irritability, and bloating occur. And those sugar and carbohydrate cravings? They are your brain’s pleasure centers screaming for a sugar buzz because there’s not enough progesterone to moderate them.
Individual levels of estrogen and progesterone are not always the culprit, but the ratio of the two hormones to each other. It is a delicate balancing act that is affected by lifestyle, nutrition, and emotional influences.
Regain Balance with Acupuncture and TCM
You can expect to be treated for a minimum of three months for your PMS symptoms. During a typical monthly cycle, the body experiences a great deal and the practitioner wants to be able to observe at every stage. It therefore requires at least three consecutive monthly cycles to track profound changes. The combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine is the most effective treatment for PMS symptoms. Below are some of the ways in which the combined treatments can help.
Acupuncture Eases Stress
Yes. Acupuncture eases stress. It primarily works in this capacity by releasing natural endorphins. Acupuncture also acts on the entire endocrine system, regulating sex hormones. One of the primary areas an acupuncturist treat to affect premenstrual tension is the liver meridian. The liver has a key role in production and metabolization of hormones. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the liver is where excessive stress is stored. If the liver is compromised either physiologically by toxins or energetically by emotional stress, you may suffer symptoms of depression, irritability, and physical symptoms such as breast tenderness result.
Herbs Balances Hormones
To enhance the effect of acupuncture, a TCM practitioner will likely recommend a Chinese herbal formula. Herbs can help in many ways. Some herbs augment hormone production and others alleviate depression and irritability. There are also herbs that specifically ease physical pain such as menstrual cramping and backache. These formulas usually contain many different herbs to address various physical and emotional symptoms.
Guidance and Compliance
Healing and balancing hormones requires commitment outside of the acupuncturists office. The good news is that simple adjustments to diet and exercise can have profound impact on PMS symptoms. Eliminating or reducing caffeine and alcohol is extremely important for hormone health. As for sugar and carb cravings, excessive indulgence only leads to blood glucose crashes, depressed mood, and low energy. Instead, satisfy cravings with healthy B vitamin and magnesium rich alternatives such as avocado, pumpkin seeds, and banana. Of course, go ahead and enjoy a little organic dark chocolate, but eating the entire bar is counterproductive. Keep in mind that your liver metabolizes excess estrogen and synthesizes cholesterol, the precursor to sex hormones. If the liver is overworked from unhealthy dietary choices, hormonal balance can suffer. Cardiovascular exercise is also a key player in stress reduction and will boost depressed moods by releasing natural opiates in the brain.
Women don’t have to endure abysmal lows associated with PMS nor do they have to rely on pharmaceutical intervention to function through the phases of their cycle. Acupuncture and herbs are safe and effective alternatives to alleviate physical discomfort and balance hormones. If you want to learn more how acupuncture and herbs can affect your hormone health, book an appointment with us today.
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